I have a friend who has been using an e-cigarette for 10+ years. He doesn’t seem any less addicted to smoking as back when he was using old-fashioned cigarettes.

I understand e-cigarettes are supposed to help you quit… but has anyone actually had success with them? Or, is it more like trading one vice for another?

  • BuckFigotstheThird
    1 year ago

    Yes. Pack a day + chain smoking when I drank. I used an ecig to quit. Over the course of about 7 years, (yeah, just like your friend!) 12mg then 9mg then 6, then 3, then 1.5, then 0. I stayed on 0 for awhile and then one day I got out the car at a store and my ecig must of hit the ground. I never saw it again. That was the day I finally quit for good. Been 3 years now.

    If nothing else, ecigs are way less of a risk and way less of a diminisher to ones quality of life compared to analog cigarettes. There is no stank left on the user and the users clothes. There is no more hacking up a lung every morning. ecigs seem to not suppress the immune system as harshly as analog cigarettes either. ecigs are incredibly cheaper too.

    There is a lot of propaganda out there, misinformation, being disseminated by “big tobacco” - cause they are losing and have lost A LOT of profits due to people switching to ecigs and quitting analog cigarettes. They’ve even lobbied governements to pass legislation restricting access to ecig materials - citing the same old bullshit line: “Won’t somebody think of the children!?! OH THE CHILDREN!!!”