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  • CoelacanthOP
    46 months ago

    The Sniper pick did not, in fact, work out. Also looks like we’re still (or again?) in Aura meta. Oh joy. Is it gonna be as bad as the Wraith Pact TI, I wonder?

    • @lostpolaris
      36 months ago

      I’ll try to find a small interview snippet, but yeah, Aura meta is still a thing. It’s not as bad as Wraith Pact since that was just a singular item that was built every match without fail. But now we have Shivas / Guardian Greaves / Pipe / Crimson that all contribute to some Aura effect.

      Mirana being in the meta is solely due to her second facet. It’s such an insane damage amp.

      • CoelacanthOP
        36 months ago

        Aura items are just too good value. I’m glad Wraith Pact got removed, but the meta is looking similar.

        I’ve been seeing more Mirana today, looks very strong indeed. At least as long as Leap is working…