alt-text for thumbnail in case it embeds: it is an image of a queer flag with an infinity symbol, on a drawn wooden background with the words “autistic people mistaken for AI” on it

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    LLMs are tools that the wealthy are using to concentrate more wealth and power in their hands; the wealthy are the only people benefitting from it. There are no uses of LLMs that are a net positive for people outside of that class. So yes, it makes sense to oppose not just the people that suck up all the wealth–not just the ‘surplus’–as well as the tools they use to do it.

    Edit: and even worse, throwing your fellow autists under the bus because „for the cause“ and because YOU dont have problems with it is pretty gross.

    It’s a simple cost/benefit analysis. If 50% of the people are harmed by X if you allow it to be used unchecked, and 3% are harmed by opposition to using X, then it’s ridiculous to allow avoidance of harm to the minority to keep you from preventing harm to the majority. Moreover, under a system that allows LLMs to flourish, people on the autism spectrum will still suffer disproportionate harms compared to NT people; ND people are considered more disposable and generally diificult for NTs to deal with, so if a manager figures out a way to replace an ND person with an LLM, they 100% will.

    • haui
      15 months ago

      We have incompatible thinking styles. Of course the rich use LLMs to gain more wealth, but they will use anything. Its THEM that is the problem.

      „Cost benefit analysis“ my ass. Its just a way to reduce people to numbers. Its exactly how we got here.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        The greatest benefit for the greatest numbers. The least harm for the fewest number of people. These are cost/benefit analyses.

        Or to put it another way, the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.

        • haui
          05 months ago

          Which is exactly what we are not living at this point in time.

          The needs of marginalized groups outweigh the needs of the many by a large margin.

          The elite on the other hand needs to go.

            • haui
              05 months ago

              You know shit about my intentions, mate. Currently I‘m baffled at how shallow and badly thought out your beliefs are. Of course the needs of the many dont outweigh the needs of the few. It actually boils down to hurting as few as possible, even if that means that the comfort of the many has to be abolished.