I’ve turned search engine suggestions off because they often get me side-tracked, or even get me to completely forget what I actually wanted. If it is something I have visited once already, simply getting that from my history skips the search engine, making the process slightly faster. I realize that my attention problem might not actually be solved by this,

    6 months ago

    That is a cool idea you know, all you’d need is a tool to preview sites in a half size page with the list on the other half of the page and then you just tap the selected sites you want with a multi select option that let’s you highlight them in bulk so you can export them into a bookmark collection, then set up a freshly installed web browser with only those specific bookmarks, cooler still then would be a way to pin those bookmarks a single page or multiple pages with a thumbnail represent to represent each bookmarked page in your browser window and you then just choose from them like a UI (User Interface):with tiled thumbnails for the sites to choose from amd or web linked content and servers.