• @LiveThreadBotB
      15 months ago

      Request added to the live queue, the Live Thread will be posted ~16.0 min before kick-off.

        • @LiveThreadBotB
          15 months ago

          Unknown request, please reply with -help for a list of available commands. Reason given: No sport found in request.

            • @LiveThreadBotB
              15 months ago

              Hello! I am a bot that can create live threads on lemmy.

              I can be called by either tagging me in a comment or by replying to me.


              For all (optional) community@instance inputs, if none given, will assume the community the message is sent from.

              -football community@instance(optional {home team} - {away team} - Sets up a game in the queue for live-thread creation. Thread is created ~16.0 min before kick-off. Defaults to [email protected] if no community is given.

              -remove {-sport} {community@instance}(optional) {home team} - {away team} - Removes a game queued for live-thread creation. Only available for requester, mods and admins.

              -queue {-sport} {community@instance}(optional) - Lists the current live threads queued for posting.

              -mod_action {command} {input} - Various mod actions to set rules for the bot.

              admin_action {command} {input}

              -message {message} - Sends a message to bot maintainer

              Mod commands:

              rules {community@instance}(optional) - Shows the rules applied to the community.

              blacklist {community@instance}(optional) - Will no longer interact with community.

              remove_blacklist {community@instance}(optional) - Will interact with the community again.

              whitelist {community@instance}(optional) - Opens up the bot to post in the community.

              remove_whitelist {community@instance}(optional) - Removes the community from the whitelist.

              trust {username@instance} {community@instance}(optional) - Removes rate limit restrictions for the user, all mods are trusted users for their communities.

              untrust {username@instance} {community@instance}(optional) - Removes the trusted status for the user, can not apply to mods in their communities.

              ban {username@instance} {community@instance}(optional) - The user can no longer interact with the bot in the given community.

              unban {username@instance} {community@instance}(optional) - The user is removed from the ban list for the given community.

              Admin commands:

              Same as mod commands, however admins can also add commands to their entire instance by using the format {-@instance}. Do note that community specific commands overrule instance-wide commands.

              Source Code: https://gitlab.com/UlrikHD/lemmy-match-thread-bot