    85 months ago

    hey, gimme a cart, i’ll go roam around and sell these before they spoil, you keep 80 or 90% of the money when i come back with the empty cart.

    Tell you what: I’ll give you a time traveling device and the ability to jump into any fictional world that has ever existed.

    Find me one where they would accept that “deal” if you didn’t pay up front.

    • sp3ctr4l
      35 months ago

      I mean yes, initially it is risky, but perhaps a contract was signed, or perhaps the oyster owner owns so many that he sells to local restaurants or market vendors that he figures worst that happens is i lose 2% of my regular oyster haul, best that happens i make a bit more money off of that 2%.

      If I am not mistaken the actual episode(s?) where Arya does the oyster selling show a relationship between her and whoever she’s getting the oysters from.

      As far as real world examples: anyone who has ever been hired to drive a cart or wagon or car could just attempt to make off with the vehicle and/or its belongings…

      • @TAYRN
        25 months ago

        Mate, if you’ve met an ice cream truck driver who’d just let you walk away with all their goods and a promise that you’d pay them back, I need to know where you live. I want in on that.

        • sp3ctr4l
          45 months ago

          No, the point is that the driver could just drive away with the truck and its contents and attempt to sell the truck, strip it for parts or whole, fucking over whatever entity is paying his wage.