• @LaLuzDelSol
    11 days ago

    I don’t really know what you’re saying with most of these points, I think you’re calling me a racist for trying to interpret your statement about the original Jewish settlers being Arab.

    I agree, nobody has a right to force you from your home. I strongly oppose Isreals settlements in the West Bank and their occupation of Gaza. I also oppose calls for their eviction from Israel. Can’t you see it’s the same thing? “But it was the Palistineans land first” you say- no, that is clearly untrue, Jewish people were living in Israel since the Iron Age, and it was the Arabs (and Romans) that evicted them.

    And what’s this about land being taken from Arab Muslims to build the Jewish temples? You do know that Jewish people were living in Israel since before Islam was a religion right?

    • @Madison420
      11 days ago

      I’m calling you a racist because your using eugenics talking points about genetics to explain your shitty point.

      They aren’t at all the same thing, you’re taking like it’s been thousands of years when there are literally people alive who had their land stolen around 1946. That is factually incorrect, the natives that predate Judaism are the stewards of the land, even trying to call biblical Israel a Jewish nation is factually incorrect Ave both the talmud and the Bible back that up.

      I never said that, is English your first language because you seem to be fairly confused about straightforward comments.