How’s it going folks? Anybody else been lied tae by the weatherman?

  • @OlapOPM
    213 days ago

    Gie driech in Embra the day, got a mate roond an we lost at Pandemic :( Aff tae tabletop Scotland the moro, shuid be guid an hopye mair successfu than the nicht! RPGs an board gaming ahoy, mibbe a new RPG book, or sum dice

    Sunday ah reckun sum cuikin, thinkin it’s aboot time fer soupin. Leek an tattie aways a favourite in this hoose - an dead simple!

    • @linzid83
      113 days ago

      Sounds like a busy weekend!!

      I’ve been buying leeks and carrots for weeks, threatening to make lentil soup but i never get round to it so chuck the stuff out!!! I hate waste!!!

      Any good (easy/quick) soup recipes, please share!!

      • @OlapOPM
        212 days ago

        Leeks, washed and 1cm chopped. Tatties, peeled and 2cm cubed. Maybe 4 medium tatties to 1 big leek. Stock cubes/pots about 1 per leek, preferably chicken or veg. Half a 1cm diced carrot per leek is optional, but I like it. Boil for 20, stick blend after. Salt, pepper to finish, serve with a dollop of sour cream and scallions on top, or a drizzle of cheffy oil with french stick and plenty of butter

        If you’re feeling bold though. French Onion soup - Deliah Smith’s is delightful with the beefy base and cheesey gruyere croutons

        Or Dodie McMuckie’s cullen skink is fantastic:

        Or maw Broons’ cookbook my ither go to. She’s a fine lentil and a couple of broths in there. Hopefully inspiration for you!