Why would communist support capitalists like Putin and Xi-Jinping which aren’t better than Liberal-capitalists ?

I am all in for stopping liberal capitalism, but I am more interested in implementing a happinex index like Buthan than living in oligarch-capitalist-regime like Russia/China

  • @Windex007
    1 year ago

    It wasn’t intended to be condescending, I was just curious if you were going to be able to voluntarily describe why it isn’t an act of benevolence, and you did.

    That’s why they are so popular in the global south.

    All loans come with a fee. The fee is either a classic “interest”… Or “goodwill” and “political capital”.

    Right now, China doesn’t need money. They have it. They want to spend it. And the thing they want to buy with it is geopolitical influence. They want people to look the other way in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in Tibet. They don’t want nation states to talk about their concentration camps. You can buy those things at a pretty steep discount in the form of loans with exceedingly ~~~~favourable terms.

    So, I dunno. Is it a win win? Sort of. It’s a win win lose. It’s a lose for groups that are under threat (or actual ongoing) genocide by the CCP. It’s a lose for everyone else along the South China Sea.

    I’m glad developing nations are getting access to capital at terms that the west isn’t willing to provide, but I’m not so naive to believe this to be an act of pure benevolence. Trying to boil global acts into simple “good” or “bad” is…