I get that you’re being kind of sarcastic, but I’ve seen both sides of this situation.
I was never homeless, but as a single dad during the recession a few years back, I was terrified of losing my job. Couldn’t sleep, constantly worrying about how I’d pay the mortgage and the fear of becoming homeless. My son was still in elementary school, and I was stressed about after-school childcare costs and what kind of hours I’d get if I had to find a new job.
I became obsessed with getting out of debt. I picked up a second job working from home at a call center. I worked full-time during the day and almost full-time at night. Every extra penny went toward paying down the mortgage and car loans. Eventually, I paid everything off and got debt-free. I almost lost my job but didn’t, though the fear was overwhelming—like nothing I’ve ever felt.
Now, my son’s grown, I’m in a position where I can retire, so I can’t complain. But I see today’s housing prices, and there’s no way I could afford to buy a new home with a mortgage now, even working two jobs. The cost of living has skyrocketed, but wages haven’t kept pace. It’s worse than it’s ever been, and a lot of families are in crisis with no real way out. That’s what’s hard to watch.
And the only way my son will have a house of his own, is by inheriting mine when I pass on. I feel blessed that my house is paid off and that my property taxes are very reasonable, but how did housing costs get so freakin’ high?!
That’s one of the reason I turned socialist. Things shouldn’t be this way.
I was never homeless, but as a single dad during the recession a few years back, I was terrified of losing my job. Couldn’t sleep, constantly worrying about how I’d pay the mortgage and the fear of becoming homeless. My son was still in elementary school, and I was stressed about after-school childcare costs and what kind of hours I’d get if I had to find a new job.
Exactly how the capitalists want it, right? And not because they’re bad people who just enjoy the suffering of others, but because they need our labor to make their profits. That’s why under capitalism universal necessities like housing must remain a privilege to be earned, rather than a right guaranteed to all. That is the reason I’m a socialist, too.
Exactly how the capitalists want it, right? And not because they’re bad people who just enjoy the suffering of others, but because they need our labor to make their profits. That’s why under capitalism universal necessities like housing must remain a privilege to be earned, rather than a right guaranteed to all. That is the reason I’m a socialist, too.
Yes, but fear of homelessness and destitution are powerful motivators. A fearful worker is an obedient worker. /s
I get that you’re being kind of sarcastic, but I’ve seen both sides of this situation.
I was never homeless, but as a single dad during the recession a few years back, I was terrified of losing my job. Couldn’t sleep, constantly worrying about how I’d pay the mortgage and the fear of becoming homeless. My son was still in elementary school, and I was stressed about after-school childcare costs and what kind of hours I’d get if I had to find a new job.
I became obsessed with getting out of debt. I picked up a second job working from home at a call center. I worked full-time during the day and almost full-time at night. Every extra penny went toward paying down the mortgage and car loans. Eventually, I paid everything off and got debt-free. I almost lost my job but didn’t, though the fear was overwhelming—like nothing I’ve ever felt.
Now, my son’s grown, I’m in a position where I can retire, so I can’t complain. But I see today’s housing prices, and there’s no way I could afford to buy a new home with a mortgage now, even working two jobs. The cost of living has skyrocketed, but wages haven’t kept pace. It’s worse than it’s ever been, and a lot of families are in crisis with no real way out. That’s what’s hard to watch.
And the only way my son will have a house of his own, is by inheriting mine when I pass on. I feel blessed that my house is paid off and that my property taxes are very reasonable, but how did housing costs get so freakin’ high?!
That’s one of the reason I turned socialist. Things shouldn’t be this way.
Exactly how the capitalists want it, right? And not because they’re bad people who just enjoy the suffering of others, but because they need our labor to make their profits. That’s why under capitalism universal necessities like housing must remain a privilege to be earned, rather than a right guaranteed to all. That is the reason I’m a socialist, too.
Well said, brother!