since some one already gave you the answer, may I ask what it is in your language? Is it Parchisi? For a long time I thought Mensch ärgere dich nicht has got to be a German game (because of the title of course), but little did I know! I remember reading it was an ancient game from India. Albeit much simplified for the Germans )
My first language is Swedish, and we just call it “Fia med knuff”, “med knuff” meaning basocally “pushing allowed”, indicating you do not play with wimpy rules where you are allowed to share spot. “Fia”, might be a name?
What language did you think I speak which made you guess “parchisi”?
Aha! Mit Kniff, oder so! Like the other one said, I thought it’s Parchisi in English. Well, almost. But it seems it exists in many places under potentially funny names.
What is the game in the picture called in german?
Mensch ärgere dich nicht!
since some one already gave you the answer, may I ask what it is in your language? Is it Parchisi? For a long time I thought Mensch ärgere dich nicht has got to be a German game (because of the title of course), but little did I know! I remember reading it was an ancient game from India. Albeit much simplified for the Germans )
My first language is Swedish, and we just call it “Fia med knuff”, “med knuff” meaning basocally “pushing allowed”, indicating you do not play with wimpy rules where you are allowed to share spot. “Fia”, might be a name?
What language did you think I speak which made you guess “parchisi”?
Not OP, but English, I’m assumi gng:
Aha! Mit Kniff, oder so! Like the other one said, I thought it’s Parchisi in English. Well, almost. But it seems it exists in many places under potentially funny names.