Telegram has become a global sewer of criminal activity, disinformation, child sexual abuse material, terrorism and racist incitement, according to a four-month investigation by The New York Times that analyzed more than 3.2 million Telegram messages from over 16,000 channels. The company, which offers features that enable criminals, terrorists and grifters to organize at scale and to sidestep scrutiny from the authorities, has looked the other way as illegal and extremist activities have flourished openly on the app.

The degree to which Telegram has been inundated by such content has not been previously reported. The Times investigation found 1,500 channels operated by white supremacists who coordinate activities among almost one million people around the world. At least two dozen channels sold weapons. In at least 22 channels with more than 70,000 followers, MDMA, cocaine, heroin and other drugs were advertised for delivery to more than 20 countries.

Hamas, ISIS and other terror groups have thrived on Telegram, often amassing large audiences across dozens of channels.


  • @absquatulate
    236 months ago

    This article reeks of propaganda. “We’ve done the analysis and trust us, only crooks use telegram! Look! there are DOZENS of terrorist chanels!”

    I know telegram is shite, but isn’t it strange that western governments seem to have it in for it lately?

    • Snot Flickerman
      6 months ago

      I already thought Telegram was some kind of honeypot, but this US using it as a reverse-honeypot to villainize encryption in general is fucking wild when it doesn’t even offer e2ee by default or in group chats.

    • @wurzelgummidge
      36 months ago

      Telegram is the new TikTok. They don’t like it because they can’t control the conversations

    • @ikidd
      36 months ago

      Manufacturing consent.