The conservative party of Canada is broken. They have essentially become the Canadian trump party. #Canada #SquintyMcProudBoy #HarperMinion #WorstCPCleaderYet #NoPlan #AntiChoice #FreedumbClownvoy #BaseOfRacists

  • @steel_nomad
    -96 months ago

    You don’t agree that seniors who get no visits from their lousy kids could use the interaction a lot more?

      • @steel_nomad
        -56 months ago

        Crazy that there is so much defense of this phenomena. Very strange.

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              If I had kids I’d rather have drag queens reading to them than to have them exposed to your toxic worldview.

              You want to live your life in a tiny little box? Go ahead, but you don’t get to tell anyone else how to live.

              Conservatives sure love freedom except when anyone does anything they don’t like. Nobody cares what you think and you’re a dying breed, which makes me grateful

              • @steel_nomad
                -46 months ago

                You want to live your life in a tiny little box? Go ahead, but you don’t get to tell anyone else how to live.

                Conservatives sure love freedom except when anyone does anything they don’t like. Nobody cares what you think and you’re a dying breed, which makes me grateful.>

                Gotcha and I’m glad you agree.You don’t get to tell anyone elses kids how to live. This trans agenda BS is being forced on them from every angle. I just don’t understand why you hate children so much and don’t want them to just be kids, without being lectured about “climate change®” and “muh diversity®”