• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    6 months ago

    I’m not accusing you of being a Russian asset or a bot here, but the people saying that have a point.

    How so? Because I post articles about third parties? And the vast vast majority of my posts are the a socialist sub that I created and mod?

    You’re constantly encouraging left-leaning voters in swing states

    How am I “constantly encouraging” them? By posting news articles? I didn’t write the articles. And I have posted third party libertarian news, and the theory that people are saying is that libertarians actually take votes away from republicans.

    We all see you and your agenda here.

    And what is my agenda?

    Just because I am not voting for your candidate doesn’t mean I have an agenda. Please see the disclaimer comment I posted when I posted the article. I don’t write the news, I just post the articles, friend.

    I support and respect your right to vote for who you wish. Just as I would think you support and respect my right to as well.