I’ll start.

For Guinan: I loved that her character was that classic trope of the “bartender / therapist” who was always around, but never got too involved in the main plot. She would give casual advice, but wasn’t officially an “advisor”, so it served the show well for the main characters to share what they were thinking.

For Quark: He was unquestionably the better developed character, with his own wants and desires that frequently intertwined with the main plot. He also served as a sort of foil to the values of the federation, which let the viewers see how greed was incompatible with the best interests of the people.

I love both. Which was your favorite? Which approach did you like better for the “bartender” character?

  • Acamon
    2 years ago

    I watched the first episode and noped out of it, but I was tempted to skip first season. Do you think starting with season three would work? I’m not particuarly completionist, and I’m sure I can fill in the blanks…

    • lxskllr@mastodon.world
      2 years ago

      @Acamon @BaroqueInMind

      No problem starting with s03. There’s very little continuity between seasons, and the parts that call back to earlier seasons are fleeting and non crucial. Each season can be watched out of order, but within seasons, they need to be watched serially.

      FTR, I liked the whole series, but I’d have trouble recommending s01-02 generally.