Family members of Krishna Kumar said they took him to Ganpati Hospital in Saran after he vomited several times. “We admitted him and the vomiting stopped soon after. But the doctor Ajit Kumar Puri said he needs to be operated upon. He conducted the operation by watching videos on YouTube. My son died later,” Chandan Shaw.

The family members said they do not know if the ‘doctor’ had proper qualifications. “We think he was self-styled and fake,” they said.

The teenager’s grandfather said the boy was feeling better after the vomiting stopped. “But the doctor sent the father away on an errand and started operating on the boy without the family’s consent. The boy was in pain. When we asked the doctor why he was in pain, he snapped at us and asked if we were doctors. Later in the evening, the boy stopped breathing. He was revived (with CPR) and then rushed to Patna. He died on the way. They left the boy’s body on the stairs of the hospital and fled,” said Krishna Kumar’s grandfather Prahlad Prasad Shaw.

  • Obinice
    134 months ago

    Not to complain, but this is a pretty grim case of child murder, I’m not sure it really fits the spirit of “And finally!”, if you see what I mean?
