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  • peopleproblems
    96 months ago

    So idk about everyone else, but did anyone else catch that they both had hot mics?

    This wasn’t a debate for her, or a law school case scenario, or an undergrad philosophy argument. This was a trap she set.

    He managed to call him weak, a poor sport, a sore loser, an idiot, in a publicly appropriate manner, and each time she did, he got more and more unhinged.

    Don’t stop your opponent from making the wrong move.

    • Cadeillac
      56 months ago

      No they didn’t. HE had a hot mic majority of the time. Hers was clearly being muted

      • snooggums
        26 months ago

        So idk about everyone else, but did anyone else catch that they both had hot mics?

        Yeah, multiple times they would let him speak out of turn and ramble on endlessly, but had to unmute her mic on multiple occasions when it was her turn to speak.