Phony Stark needs to be called out on this. It’s creepy as hell.

😳 🤮

  • @[email protected]
    388 days ago

    It’s good to document weird and creepy behaviour.
    If things like this don’t make the news cycle, they essentially go un-called-out. Which might make it seem like normal or acceptable behaviour.

    Weird behaviour doesn’t live up to scrutiny

    • ObjectivityIncarnate
      07 days ago

      Let the other losers on Twitter call it out if they want their cringy drama-fest.

      This is not news. Making a random weird comment that is obviously in jest (and is very, VERY obviously not a REAL threat to do anything, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out) is absolutely NOT worthy of “the news cycle”.

      Only people who truly have no life have the desire to spend any time giving a shit about this. This is barely worthy of an eye roll.

    • SkvlpOP
      218 days ago

      Yes. He’s abusing his position to harass women. It has to be called out, documented and shown to be problematic behaviour.