I have a CFL in the bathroom that went out on me. I’ve been too lazy to change it because there are other bulbs that are working. Well after a couple weeks, it magically decided to turn back on. It’s nowhere that it would be jostled or anything, so I found that weird.

  • @wjrii
    5 months ago

    So a little bit of investment in stadiums here, a new TV deal there, some exciting QB play, and a sprinkling of Canadian exceptionalism… Sorry, wrong CFL.

    Some people think that failing ballasts will trigger their thermal protection, so it could be as simple as cooler weather or components that are failing but haven’t yet, and a little variability in temperature or the intial jolt of electricity may make it work for a while. I generally found CFLs to be finicky and annoying after a while, though i don’t recall ever having one that seemed to die completely and then come back.
