Tony Warriner, co-founder of Revolution Software, reveals new visuals of the cancelled #GBA port for Broken Sword 2. With a tease that ‘there is a chance the project could resurface…’, fans are eagerly speculating about potential future developments. Tony Warriner’s book, Revolution: The Quest For Game Development Greatness, also sheds light on this near-complete project that was halted by BAM! Entertainment’s financial troubles in 2002.

The cancelled GBA port of Broken Sword 2 would have been the sequel to the 2002 GBA version of the original game. Unfortunately, the release never came to be due to BAM! Entertainment ceasing operations just two weeks before completion. Warriner, however, retains possession of a copy and has now shared more images on his Twitter account, showcasing the title screen and some gameplay footage in the form of screenshots from Professor Oubier’s House and Café locations.

What are your memories of the original Broken Sword? Are you hoping for the release of its unfinished sequel?

  • @Mango
    16 months ago

    Anyone else here just read a company name as an onomatopoeia?