Wendy Washik was at a neighbourhood barbecue on Sept. 1 when she joined a playful water gun fight with one of her neighbour’s children. As the 58-year-old educational assistant was chasing the child to the front of the home, she said she accidentally sprayed another neighbour with water.

Washik said the neighbour called police and officers arrived at the scene a short time later and charged her with assault with a weapon. She claims police spoke to the neighbour who made the call but asked no one else questions about the incident.

(Monte MacGregor, a Toronto-based criminal defense lawyer, said) “Am I surprised that the charge has been laid? No. But do I recognize that it’s an unfortunate and almost meaningless waste of resources? Yes, because they didn’t interview her, right?” he said.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    436 months ago

    The last time I called the police about a car theft, they didn’t even bother to pretend to care. But for this shit they jump

    • ArxCyberwolf
      136 months ago

      That requires the cops to actually put effort into investigating and, y’know, doing their jobs. Can’t have that. Far easier to harass the public over minor incidents instead.

    • @arin
      76 months ago

      The retarded neighbor who called the cops probably had networking with cops