see The Right to Sex by Amia Srinivasan p.76-77
Cell 16 native american history scholar Dunbar-Ortiz, founder along with Rockefeller
compare SCUM to best case for Sex Positive Feminism
Today, patriarchical and pharonic Freemasonry (the post-revolutionary endless status quo variety, post Washington and post Enlightenment) just uses feminism to deny reproduction to males born without a fortune (the unlucky seed).
The Right to Sex - Srinivasan
(78-9) pro-woman vs. anti-sex feminism
(81) Ellen Willis Lust Horizon (prevailing view among feminists today according to Srinivasan)
(87) Fourier “sexual minimum” and “amorous nobility”
What is “social status” except objectification? It is just a matter of pecuniary sleaze: all they care about is your objectified bank account figure. They’re just money sleaze.