Lawmakers approved the draft proposal Friday, as the world’s second-largest economy struggles with falling birth rates and an aging workforce.

China said Friday it would raise its retirement age for the first time in decades, as the world’s second-largest economy struggles with falling birth rates and an aging workforce.

The country’s top legislative body approved a draft proposal to gradually implement the changes, state media reported Friday. China’s retirement ages are among the lowest in the world and had remained unchanged since they were set in the 1950s.

The statutory retirement age for both men and women will be gradually increased starting Jan. 1 of next year, according to the decision by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. Over a period of 15 years, it will be raised from 60 to 63 for men, 55 to 58 for women in white-collar jobs and 50 to 55 for women working in factories.

  • @Eldritch
    236 months ago

    It’s not reactionary to be against authoritarians though. Whether they are bougie capitalist or bougie leninists/maoists. There are countries that better take care of their retirees. And are not socially repressive authoritarian regimes. It’s genuinely great that China offers that to the people they don’t imprison for asking for their rights and speaking out against the state. But I’m not sure living in a comfortable open air prison would be everyone’s idea of an ideal retirement.

    I’m going to save my praise for the countries that do both.

    • @feedum_sneedson
      16 months ago

      They don’t know what reactionary means, they think it means having a reaction to the news or something.

    • @[email protected]
      06 months ago

      It’s genuinely great that China offers that to the people they don’t imprison for asking for their rights and speaking out against the state.

      I mean that’s the vast majority of the people, looks like they have a little under 10,000 political prisoners in a country of 1.4 billion, so 0.0007% of people. That’s not good and should be 0 but it’s not some orwellian police state with stazi on every corner checking if you said xi looks like Winnie the Pooh.

      I’m no fan of Chinese authoritarianism and there human rights record but pretending there authoritarianism is the same as the totalitarianism of the 20th century is naive. It’s Definitely not an “open air prison” and does a disservice to people who live in actual open air prisons like Gaza or North Korea.

      • @Eldritch
        136 months ago

        Hey I’m not the one calling names and failing to address what was said. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. But please do explain how I’m being naive and childish by seeing what leninist governments have done. How Russia massacred the ethnic polish. How China through abject incompetence and hubris killed tens of millions of their own. Ethnically cleansing/genocidiing uighers. Creating a brutal police state that undermines any of the good they accomplished. How they are as bad as capitalist countries on most meaningful measures. And worse on several too.

        I’ll say it again. It’s great China is allowing those that don’t question the party to retire at that age for now. They should afford it to all their citizens as a guarantee. Regardless of their stance on the brutal insecure party. And not have it slide as their economy slides.

        Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely whether you’re a capitalists or a Leninist. Wake up.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago


        Check it out guys; someone who wants us to listen to them while they hurl insults.
