• @Dasus
    06 months ago

    So now you’re trying the “I’ve already answered” so that people need to go through the entire thread just to see you haven’t, instead of just writing “yes” or “no”?

    You literally haven’t disagreed with anything. The only thing you keep doing is avoiding the thing I’m talking about, while furiously denying the credibility of anything criticising Russia.

    You say that there are as many members of Russian state propaganda on Lemmy as members of the group “NAFO”. Well, guess you’ve never read the English version of the article and only ingested the propaganda put to you, but as I read through the article you linked, I saw that I very much seem to be a member of the group, seeing as it’s described as a “Western civil society response to Russian campaigns”. It’s a completely freely formed group of Western people who are knowingly battling the organised Russian propaganda.

    So if you say there are as many Russian agents as “NAFO agents”, and I’m one of the latter, then — by your logic — there’s a Russian state actor somewhere in this thread? I wonder if you can spot them?

    According to the cyber warfare unit of the U.S. Army, the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade, “For an online community like NAFO, hostile mention from an official propaganda outlet of its target is evidence its ridicule is achieving the desired effect.”

    You haven’t answered whether you think Russia has broken international law, and you won’t. You’ll keep stomping your foot, yelling “fake news, fak news, Russia isn’t a baddie”, while being ridiculously see-through in your avoidance of admitting Russia’s war crimes.

    Everyone reading this who’s past the age of eight (and not grown up in a propaganda filled second world country) can deduce that you think Russia didn’t break international law by invading Ukraine, and you’re refusing to answer it for the same reason criminals often loudly proclaim their innocence; they don’t want to get punished. Which is what you would be, socially, were you to admit your political views on this forum.

    Which is why you can’t do that, and which is why you haven’t uttered a single opinion. You only manage to avoid avoid avoid, instead of writing “yes” or “no” or “I can’t answer that because I know the right answer but me saying it outloud might be considered treason”.

    • davel [he/him]
      -26 months ago

      Just like last time, everyone stopped reading a while ago, including me.

      • @Dasus
        6 months ago

        “I didn’t read that part about Russia being called ridiculous”

        That avoidance really is pathological, isn’t it?

        To recap once more, you’re touting Russian propaganda about there not being Russian propaganda, while actually providing evidence of Russian propaganda, while loudly refusing to admit that you have anything to do with Russia. Oh and completely avoiding saying even a single opinion… on ANYTHING.

        Let me ask you this, if you truly didn’t read my comment, why bother replying? I generally only reply to comments I actually read when I’m on forums, as the point of a forum is to discuss things. Are you admitting that you’re using a forum not for discussion, but for ignoring what other people say?

        Truly amazing.