Four years after a racist encounter with a so-called “Karen,” Christian Cooper has earned the ultimate payback: a Daytime Emmy Award for his passionate love of birdwatching. The racially charged incident, which took place in 2020, not only spotlighted systemic racial issues but also paved the way for Cooper’s extraordinary success.

  • @Cosmonauticus
    215 months ago

    Black ppl are just going to be considered in the wrong no matter what we do. We make up a tiny about of drug users yet we’re more likely to be arrested for it. Make it make sense

      145 months ago

      As someone not familiar with all this, I think what’s telling is that she says “sorry” yet plays the victim outright immediately afterwards. If you say “I’m sorry for what I did and I just hope he’s sorry for what he did” then that says to me “I realize I screwed up, stop forgetting he screwed up too” then fine. But “I’m sorry” and then segueing into “he hurt me” without an acknowledgement of what you did? Clearly trying to deflect as much blame as possible. The worst part is she’s probably doing it that way because the family lawyer advised her on what slander is. Fucking rich bitch flaunting her whiteness, and I say this as someone who looks as white as they come.

      That said, a big help is that it doesn’t seem like the black dude was spending his time since the incident with business as usual from what the event suggests. That’s nothing on it’s own, but it lends further credibility that the Karen has no ground to stand on.

      • @Cosmonauticus
        115 months ago

        How exactly did he screw up? He’s a wildlife photographer who told someone to leash their dog because it’s a rule that protects wildlife. All of this happened because she flouted the rules and escalated the situation. If she just would’ve leashed her dog we wouldn’t be talking about this. It’s 100% on her

          25 months ago

          I think you assumed I disagree with you on that. I was trying to explain the exact reason I think you’re right: He hasn’t shown any signs that it was at all his fault, she’s definitely shown signs it’s her fault. Simple as that. I swear, I wasn’t not trying to imply there was any fault for the black guy, only that his behavior DOES suggest he’s INNOCENT. Sorry, I’m a bit annoyed but I get there was some ambiguity to what I typed.

          • @Cosmonauticus
            25 months ago

            Thank you for clarifying. Sorry about the misunderstanding

        • @TheFonz
          5 months ago

          Out of curiosity: did you watch the video?

          Edit: in the og full vid he tells her he will lure the dog away with treats. This is definitely an “internet jumped to conclusions” before the video was even uploaded. Don’t get me wrong, she was still a pos but this guy definitely looking for a confrontation

          • @Cosmonauticus
            115 months ago

            Yes i rewatched it and read some more articles about it before I commented. Telling her he was going to lure the dog away with treats is the quickest and simpliest way to get her to leash her dog. Dogs running off and fucking with wildlife or ppl is exactly why the official park rule is all dogs must be leashed at all times. He would know considering he’s a wildlife photographer. Which is why he confronted her. SHE WAS BREAKING THE RULES OF THE PARK.

            The situation basically boiled down to:

            “Put your dog on a leash or I’ll show why that’s the official rule of the park.”

            Oh my God you’re assaulting me!

            • @TheFonz
              5 months ago

              simplest way to get her to leash her dog

              It’s also an escalation. Clearly he wasn’t afraid of the dog. We all agree the dog should have been leashed but it’s still an escalation of the confrontation.

              I walk my dogs all the time leashed and run into other non-leashed dogs and their owners. I politely ask them to leash up because my dog has trauma and is gets very agitated around other dogs. But one thing I never do is threaten the other owner that I will “lure their dogs to me with treats”. That’s kinda hostile, dontcha think?

              • @Cosmonauticus
                85 months ago

                The guy is a wildlife photographer. If he asks once and gets ignored he’s going to escalate because you then become a nuance to his job. It’s like someone coming to your job and overflowing all the toilets or tying up the phones. Obviously it’s a reoccurring problem and being nice about it doesn’t work.

                And again if she just leashed her dog when he asks like she was suppose to be doing in the first place none of this would have happened. You’re acting like he threw a rock at her dog

                • @TheFonz
                  -65 months ago

                  Oook. So we both agree he also escalated the situation? Maybe he was having a bad day or he was fed up with all the off leash dogs. I agree. I think I can totally understand. I can think of a million other ways to handle the situation. If you want him to be your hero that’s fine. That lady was going to have her racist feelings revealed one way or another either way she had it coming.

                55 months ago

                Clearly he wasn’t afraid of the dog.

                That isn’t the problem about the dog being off leash, the problem is it being able to go after the wildlife.

                Maybe he should have been colder headed maybe not, we could critisize his being in the right but being an asshole about it, but we cannot equate that to her being in the wrong and doubling down by consciously making use of her white privilege to make a false accusation that could have ended very badly for him. This is not a both sides situation.

                • @TheFonz
                  -35 months ago

                  It’s hard for me to put myself in a woman’s shoes, esp. one walking by herself in the park in an not very crowded area. Did she panic in the heat of the moment and actually feel threathened or was she a narcissistic prick that overreacted? Was he justified in escalating?

                  It seems to me he was aware that he had power over the situation and used that - even though he had reason to - threaten her dog. Which again: dog had no business being off leash. But is in justification to escalate the way he did? Lemmy seems to have made up their mind. I never both sides them. She clearly took it to an extreme end by involving the police. But again, I don’t know the perspective of women in matters of close encounters such as these. And as Lemmy is like 90% men I don’t think this convo will go beyond : racism bad; Karen got what she deserved.

                  Lemmy just seems hostile to women in general. But that’s just my perspective. I could be wrong.