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Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.

  • @taiyang
    36 months ago

    More power to ya! What about natto? She tried to get me to like it but I can’t tolerate the smell. I found it’s a very easy lunch for my 2 year old who loves it, though.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Mix in a little mustard and some tare sauce. I didn’t like it at first but the taste just seems earthy to me now. I also don’t really eat it with rice. Either in those fish sausage tube things or alone on a spoon (which also cuts down on the stringy trails you have to deal with).

    • vortic
      26 months ago

      Yeah, no, I don’t like the smell, taste, or texture. I have made natto for her in an instant pot, though. She said it came out okay but I still didn’t eat it!