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Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.

  • @Im_old
    66 months ago

    Look up “spaghetti allo scoglio”, basically spaghetti with various shelfish (and other sea food). They leave all the shells on by design. They also bring a separate empty plate on the side to dump them in, and a wet (lemon) wipe to clean yourself after. Cleaning the molluscs from the shells it’s basically part of enjoying the plate. And it’s good!

    • @edgesmash
      06 months ago

      I’m sure the dish is delicious. But when I go to a restaurant and I have to do work to eat to food, I always get annoyed. I’m paying for this meal so I don’t have to work, dammit.