#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e '\nReading the news...\n'
        yay -Pw
echo -e '\nUpdating...\n'
        sudo pacman -Syu
echo -e '\nLooking for orphaned packages...\n'
        yay -Qtd
echo -e '\nLooking for obsolete packages...\n'
        pacman -Qmq | sort >| /tmp/pkgs
        curl -s "${url}type=info$(printf '&arg[]=%s' $(cat /tmp/pkgs))" \
                | jq -r '.results[]|.Name' | sort | comm -13 - /tmp/pkgs
echo -e '\nLooking for changed config files...\n'
        sudo find /etc -name *.pac*
echo -e '\nDone.\n'
  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    Nice, I have a similar one. Things I also do there:

    • flatpak update
    • tldr -u to update tldr pages
    • Check if reboot needed after kernel update, and display a notification about it