Populism Updates @PopulismUpdates Tell me your most radical position that cannot be placed on the left-right political spectrum

Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    As far as I can tell the incrementalist argument goes like this:

    1. The two-party system is destroying the country.
    2. But one of the two parties will destroy democracy imminently, so we have to vote for the lesser evil this time, and then,
    • @Statfish
      133 months ago
      1. The two-party system is destroying the country.
      2. Resoundly reject the party that is actively pushing for a weird christofascist state. <-- the us electorate has not yet done this!
      3. Actively push for election reform <-- AK, AZ, CO, DC, ID, MT, NV, OR, and SD will all have ballet initiatives this November regarding election reform. VOTE!
      4. Get involved with organizations that are moving to further the causes you care about, and get active in politics.

      Voting for president is the smallest part of civic participation, not the end-all-be-all