I’m watching “The real reason algorithms are bad for art” by Digging the greats and can’t remember the last time I asked real humans for recommendations for music. At one point, he is going around asking people of artists/albums that they recommend. I thought that was a cool idea. Then I thought, what if I asked lemmy/mastodon/ect and see what you all recommend?

Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?

I’m looking to expand my horizons a bit.

I’ll start.

There’s a local band called the red coats. I think they only have one album. I can’t find a Bandcamp link but their music is here should you like to hear them. My wife and I saw them live at tiny little shops.


  • mechoman444
    6 months ago

    Over all Beethoven and his fifth piano concerto.

    Bloodsport OST Paul Hertzog. Literally everything on this album is a masterpiece. If you haven’t zoned out to this album or watched the movie you’re doing yourself a disservice.