Subtitle: Springfield’s immigrant community was targeted by far-right extremists months before Trump shared racist rumors

  • @SirDerpy
    -273 days ago

    I don’t know why this is difficult.

    Those pesky 1st and 4th amendments to the US Constitution. They apply to everyone, not just those you agree with.

    • @[email protected]
      173 days ago

      Hate speech isn’t a matter of opinion. You’re not special just because you have opinions.

      You can’t just scream at people to go back to Africa.

      1. You come off as incredibly racist and ignorant since those people are U.S citizens.

      2. You’re not exactly defended by the constitution if you wave your gun at people who are innocent.

      So pipe down.

      • @SirDerpy
        3 days ago

        King of teachers spouting false equivalence? We’re fucked.

    • RubberDuck
      43 days ago

      So where is the line? Because their exercise of their rights limits others as they are no longer safe to go outside. Your rights and freedoms end where mine begin… It should not be the right of the loudest, or right of the person most careless of others, should it? Is that what we want for society?

    • @Maggoty
      23 days ago

      Sure the Nazis get 1st and 4th but BLM gets a police riot. If we didn’t have those rights, they don’t have those rights. There’s no double standard here.

      • @SirDerpy
        -203 days ago

        You want to deprive citizens of their constitutionally protected rights because you disagree with them, because you’ve defined them “enemies of the state”. You’re a nationalist fascist.

        Good luck with that.

        • @[email protected]
          163 days ago

          At some point speech becomes hate speech that actually hurts people. In Germany there are laws against that, I’m sure the US has too.

          • @SirDerpy
            -213 days ago

            Fortunately, feelings aren’t protected in the US. Hate speech can only be used to show intent in the commission of an actual crime.

            Should’ve used the “fire in a theater” example with stochastic terrorism from a position of authority.

            Why is it I need make your argument for you? Think about that one for awhile.

            • Flying Squid
              173 days ago

              Should’ve used the “fire in a theater” example with stochastic terrorism from a position of authority.

              How about the example of someone saying black immigrants are eating dogs in a debate carried by all networks and live on multiple streaming platforms?

            • @[email protected]
              63 days ago

              I think I can say that I am living in germany, currently a country not under the government of national fascists, that has a law against so called “Volksverhetzung” which has been introduced quite literally to prevent some speech of the nationalist fascists, to prevent them from spreading their hateful ideology. Maybe you wanna think about that for awhile.

              • @SirDerpy
                -103 days ago

                The prolitariat doesn’t need the protection of governance from ideas. That’s how we get Nazis. Study your history.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 days ago

                  This isn’t about ideas it is about calling for violence towards people. This isn’t how you get Nazis this is the “you already have Nazis and need to do something about it”

                  Also, funnily enough, the proletariat or what’s left of it, are the ones currently flocking to the right-wing extremist party here in Germany.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 days ago

                  Nah bruv, as an american, the people are too dumb to not need some sort of protection from hate speech and ideas. A fact checker needs to be a mandatory public service at this point. I feel the same way about the homeless bum who shouts at everyone downtown that their participation in consummerism is destroying everything. If they called for violence, it would be a step too far.

                  • @[email protected]
                    3 days ago

                    If the people are too dumb to be trusted with an unrestricted marketplace of ideas, the they’re too dumb to be allowed to vote for their own government.

                    If you believe in democracy, you have to also believe that the majority of people can be trusted with the information necessary to make informed political choices.

                    If the people can’t be trusted to act in their best interests in an informed manner, then we might as well just adopt Plato’s philosopher-kings system instead, and make all of the peoples’ decisions for them.

                  • @SirDerpy
                    -83 days ago

                    And, that’s exactly how we got so dumb.

                    Check out The Manufacturing of Consent. Or, if lighter reading is your thing, 1984.

              • @[email protected]
                3 days ago

                They already have thought about it - see the part where they’re glad our rights aren’t curtailed just because someone might say some words that hurt your feelings.

                Germany can take their nanny state bullshit and fuck right off.

                • @[email protected]
                  43 days ago

                  That’s an opinion one can have, but it’s different from calling everyone that might want a more restrictive policy a nationalist fascist

        • @[email protected]
          3 days ago

          You go tell that to the entire generation that had to fight and die to free us of the Nazi plague. Nazis have no place in this country and are an enemy to everything we stand for. There is Zero reason we should allow them any space to speak or live with us.