• @Dazub
    11 year ago

    I don’t want to be unkind, but if you have such a negative outlook on the world that you will buy this, is this really a world you want to bring children into?

    • @a887dcd7aM
      11 year ago

      That would be another great topic. If I remember correctly on somebody on reddit asked how to raise the next generation and what skilsl you should pass on for more resilience. I have no children, yet, but maybe its a topic for others in this community.

      • @Followupquestion
        21 year ago

        I have been climate crisis aware for decades but had kids a decade ago and have been raising them to survive the coming crisis and lead others in a small community. Skills/lessons I’m attempting to impart include, in no particular order:

        • A guiding sense of fairness and humility. They’re exceptional but that comes with an obligation to help others

        • Awareness of the duality of man, both danger and kindness

        • Love of nature

        • Fishing

        • Archery

        • Firearm safety/usage/maintenance

        • Small unit tactics for CQB (taught with Nerf and laser tag currently)

        • Basic first aid

        • Knowledge of innate human rights and the current threats to them

        • Growing food

        • How to cook delicious food quickly and efficiently for fuel conservation

        • Self-care, including mental health

        I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I want them ready for an unfriendly world when they’re adults. Hopefully they have enough time to build community with like-minded people and live out their days in peace and harmony with nature.