For me, it’s corn on the cob.

  • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
    396 months ago

    I work in film post-production. One time, my team needed audio of people eating, so our sound guy recorded us eating our lunch with a really sensitive mic. When I was editing the audio in, it was really gross at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

    The thing that still haunts me is the really subtle sound of forks hitting teeth. shutters

    • @NeoNachtwaechter
      66 months ago

      One time, my team needed audio of people eating, so our sound guy recorded us eating our lunch with a really sensitive mic.

      Bad idea indeed. Next time tell him he should record people using forks and knives and plates, but not any sounds that come from the mouth.

      Scenes where people eat are “cleaned” very much in films. You see and hear people talking, playing a little with their food and that’s that. Never the real action of chewing, swallowing etc. (unless the film actually wants to create some bad vibes)