• db0OP
    45 months ago

    with that mentality, it will be.

    • @Toneswirly
      215 months ago

      I can only care about what i care about. She can be mad or sad about my actions but ultimately helping her become independant and moral is more important than selfish desire to be her friend. I do want her acceptance and grace, but my hope is those will be side effects of being a reliable father.

      Worrying about approval is something weak people do, and weak people make poor parents.

      • @DomeGuy
        105 months ago

        Fwiw, I realized years ago that the only people whose opinion of my parenting actually matter are the adults my descendents will grow up to be.

      • db0OP
        -165 months ago

        is more important than selfish desire to be her friend

        I think you’re probably having too many assumptions about what people are saying, which betrays an inflexibility even stubbornness.

        Worrying about approval is something weak people do, and weak people make poor parents.

        “My way or the highway”, eh? That style of parenting went out of fashion for a reason.

        • @Toneswirly
          225 months ago

          I didnt say my way or the highway or even imply that. Just saying you gotta have strength of conviction. I make concessions and compromise all the time. I dont yell or bully my kid, but i stand firm when she acts out. Now who is making assumptions about whom?