Also, in b4 fascists start pretending like the Stalinist bootlicker Thalmann hadn’t spent the past half-decade backstabbing and burning bridges with the SPD, which had previously been cooperative with the KPD after the establishment of the Weimar Republic.

  • @dance_ninja
    276 months ago

    Collapse theory is fundamentally a privileged take

    It’s definitely a white-male-privileged take in the US.

    It also just doesn’t make sense from a logistics sense – You want to address the current set of big problems by … creating more big problems to address with the same/less resources and organizations? Some that are more time sensitive than others?

    • @TrueStoryBob
      106 months ago

      You want to address the current set of big problems by … creating more big problems to address.

      Right. There’s already a shitload of big problems.