Currently got this one on my work laptop. Model M terminal board with internal converter. The only layout changes I made versus a normal 102-key are that RCtrl is is a Windows key, and the four keys along the right side of the numpad are =, -, +, and the normal Enter.

  • @wjriiOP
    66 months ago

    Half the fun of using a nice keyboard is that it’s loud AF. I love my keyboard peeps, but I do not get the obsession with trying to make them sound all lovely and quiet. “Slightly quieter” is a compromise to be grudgingly tolerated if you have to work around others, nothing more.


    • @Tylerdurdon
      36 months ago

      This was my first keyboard with old school 5pin DIN and everything. I liked it a lot but ended up having to give it away. You see, it was my freshman year of college and had finally made some friends. My roommate however had not. I had suspected there was foul play taking place with my PC because of some things that had gotten moved, so one night I did the surprise pop-in… Quietly walked up to the dorm room for with my keys ready: popped then into the key hole and quickly opened the door… Yes, caught him in the act. It was towards the end of the semester and we did not speak of it again. I didn’t use my computer for the rest of the term and left my old keyboard leaning against a wall in the dorm hallway. A freebie of sorts.

      • @wjriiOP
        16 months ago

        Thank you for sharing.

        I think. LOL.

        • @Tylerdurdon
          26 months ago

          You know… You can’t just say “I liked that keyboard a lot but had to give it away.”