One of my tricks to extend vacation time on a PTO budget is to alternate the days between paid and unpaid, usually 3 days a week instead of the typical 5. 2 weeks can get extended to at least 3 by alternating. My approach is a hold over from working retail, where we had no PTO. The idea is that I wouldn’t be getting paid anyways, so I shore up the budget before vacation so the shortfall payday doesn’t create too much disruption
An Interesting strategy.
I’m too afraid to try that. Management tends to take out people gaming the system during layoff seasons.
This is why we need Unions! Servitors rise up!
You should try it, long vacations are awesome
Wish I had the vacation days to try. Partner only has 2 weeks with no roll over. Plus Xmas and new years comes out of the 2 weeks. Absolute heresy.
One of my tricks to extend vacation time on a PTO budget is to alternate the days between paid and unpaid, usually 3 days a week instead of the typical 5. 2 weeks can get extended to at least 3 by alternating. My approach is a hold over from working retail, where we had no PTO. The idea is that I wouldn’t be getting paid anyways, so I shore up the budget before vacation so the shortfall payday doesn’t create too much disruption
An Interesting strategy. I’m too afraid to try that. Management tends to take out people gaming the system during layoff seasons. This is why we need Unions! Servitors rise up!