Keep up with the exciting news coming out of the KDE apps projects with “This Week in KDE Apps”!

In this issue: NeoChat emojis, Itinerary seats, Gwenview speedups and Android support tweaks, among other things.

Note that this week it is on Monday, but we will be posting about all KDE app news on Sunday from now on.

@[email protected]

  • @ikidd
    45 months ago

    Have the Kcalc changes been reverted yet? Because it’s unusable, which is a damn shame because it was my goto calculator for a decade.

    • @m4m4m4m4
      25 months ago

      Out of the loop, what changes made it ‘unusable’?

      • @ikidd
        45 months ago

        The calc order changes made it so you couldn’t re-use a result from the previous calc in the next calc. And if you didn’t preface a decimal with a 0, like 0.6 vs .6, it just failed.

        But it was the changes in the calc order that really messed it up. I’ll pull a latest and see if it’s back to normal.

          • @[email protected]
            223 days ago

            Hi! I’m glad you like it. I’ve finally gotten around to implementing some of the feature requests, and I added support for omitting the leading zero on decimals (e.g. .6 instead of 0.6). I think I also addressed what @[email protected] was referring to, if you press add/subtraction/multiplication/division/exponent as the first button, it will automatically add ans, which is the result of the previous expression. But this meant I had to add a separate button for a negative sign, otherwise you could never type e.g. “-1”, it would always be “ans-1”. This is how a physical calculator worked that I used in school, but I’m interested in feedback from you/others.

            You can try the latest dev branch of the web version here:

            (code in the dev branch of the github repo).

            I put off working on the calculator for a while because I didn’t know many people were using it. The Google Play version barely has any users, and I can’t tell how many people are actually using the F-Droid version.

            Anyway I want to test it for a week or so, then I’ll probably update the github pages and F-Droid versions.

            • @ikidd
              323 days ago

              I wasn’t specifically referencing your calculator, by beef was with Kcalc, and they reverted the changes shortly after due to multiple bug reports on the issue.

              • @[email protected]
                123 days ago

                Oh yeah I realize you weren’t talking about mine, I just wasn’t sure which limitation @[email protected] was referring to about mine, if it was the .6 thing or the “can’t operate on previous expression result” limitation (or possibly I misunderstood that one).

                I fixed both but I was curious to know what is more important. It’s hard to get a sense of what people are looking for in my apps since I don’t have any telemetry or anything like that. There are plenty of features that I’d like to add (and other projects I’d like to work on), but I don’t have enough time, so I’m trying to prioritize.

                • @[email protected]
                  222 days ago

                  In my case it was the leading 0 for decimal values not being implied. And thank you for the lack of telemetry, despite it leaving you in the dark regarding usage. I get tired of being tracked across every app and service.