Speaking of animals and food oddities, my dog used to carry his food one mouthful at a time out to the living room so he could eat around us. He’d drop it on the floor and then leisurely eat it and go back for more.

  • @dustyData
    6 months ago

    When dogs do that relocation of food is because they don’t feel safe eating at the bowl. Usually because it is in a corner or the shape of the bowl blocks their peripheral view. They are skittish of where they eat, since it is instinctively a vulnerable act. Same reason they might get zoomies after pooping, you want to be as far away as possible as the smell gives away your position, predator stuff. Relocate the bowl to a location with a wider view of the room, not giving their back to open spaces. And choose a wide but shallow bowl that lets them see what is in their surroundings as they eat.

    • @PugJesusOP
      76 months ago

      Dunno, that might be true in general, but he’d only do it when we were in the living room.