My thoughts: this was not an accident. This was testing the waters.

I wonder what the person who absolutely insisted to me yesterday that this wasn’t about black people in general would have to say about this…

  • @SkyezOpen
    62 days ago

    Sometimes I hear an m, sometimes an n. Not gonna shit on you. BUT he doesn’t say migr- as if he’s going to say migrants with the short I like he claims he did, he says -IGGER. You have to simultaneously fuck up two different ways to say it that way. It would be mig-rants, not migger-ants.

    • @Organichedgehog
      2 days ago

      Sure. I’d still say that he just fumbled his words, as people do everyday. Importantly, it’s incredibly stupid to hyper focus on someone possibly saying a naughty word when the whole Haitian migrants story is full of real, undeniable, tangible racism. Missing the forest for the trees.

      • @SkyezOpen
        31 day ago

        If by fumble you mean Freudian slip, sure.