Social media post on Mastodon by Dan Moren.

It reads, “ My son just got me out of talking to a door-to-door cable salesman so I guess parenthood was all worth it.”

  • @grue
    111 day ago

    No external factor is necessary to “get you out of” talking to a door-to-door salesman. It really is as simple as saying “get the fuck off my property” and slamming the door in their face.

    • @[email protected]
      61 day ago

      You can be nice and firm. “I’m not interested. Have a day” and then shut the door. They’re just doing their job no need to be an asshat ;) seems a lot of people are so afraid of conflict they’ll allow people to monopolize their time simply to save the embarassment of saying leave me tf alone.

    • @[email protected]
      61 day ago

      I accidentally answered the door for salespeople ONCE.

      I bought what they were selling.

      They asked “do you want to save money on your internet?”

      I said “no thank you, I’d rather pay more for no caps and faster internet.”

      They told me “we just rolled out gigabit on this block”

      fuckin shit… you got me. It was also STILL cheaper.

      • @[email protected]
        41 day ago

        I wish that would happen to me. There’s two big companies that service most of my area, one is cable, the other is DSL. The DSL provider, whenever I’ve checked, only offers 10Mbps download. Big nope from me. Cable has gigabit, but capped at 30mbps upload.

        There’s a third regional provider that operates in my area that does fiber exclusively (plus a bunch of resellers and wireless providers). The fiber company doesn’t serve my address. Just me though… Well, my side of the street. If I put in my neighbors address into their service form, it says they’re capable of getting gigabit up and down for a very reasonable price. I put in mine, and “sorry, we don’t serve your address” or whatever. I think that’s because the utility poles are on the other side of the street, and they’re on the poles, but don’t have a permit to cross the street (generally by aerial lines)… Which is what the cable provider did when I finally purchased their service; they ran a line over the road to my house.

        Upload is important to me, and 10:1 speeds are fine, but 30:1 or more, no thanks. The plan I went for was 300/30, which is the fastest upload they offer with the slowest download (the 200mbps plan was 20mbps upload or something, and the gigabit was 30mbps upload)… I want fiber.

        If that regional fiber company knocked on my door saying that they service my area now, I’d ask where I sign.

        And before anyone asks: I contacted them about it and they said something about the permits and blah, and blah. I’ve tried to contact them several times about how I can help get them the permits to operate in my area more broadly (including my address), but they have not responded. I’m happy to petition my town hall or regional governmental office to push things along or even canvassing for signatures on a petition to give them the required permits to serve the area… Even paying for a portion of the permit cost if necessary… Not a word from them.

        Feels bad.

        • @AA5B
          14 hours ago

          I’ve pretty much resolved to stay in my current house until I die because i cant go back to the time before fiber. How do people even live with cable, DSL, or the horror of wireless?

    • @MsPenguinette
      41 day ago

      We finally got a “no soliciting” sign and it’s insane how much it actually works. I had just assumed people would ignore it and it’d be as useless as the do not call list. But I was wrong and people turn their ass around before ringing the doorbell

      • @Broken_Monitor
        51 day ago

        Me too. My SO is too fucking nice. I love her for being so nice, but I caught her giving way too much personal info to some random solicitor. When I asked her why she would do that she “felt bad” for him. Nope, not having that, and the sign has worked wonders by preventing all contact in the first place. Can’t feel guilty if you don’t engage.

      • @grue
        51 day ago

        That would get rid of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I see little reason to think it was would necessarily be effective on salespeople.

        If, for some reason, you’re unwilling to treat these worthless in-person spammers with the contempt they deserve, my suggestion is to remember that “no” is a complete sentence.