More than a dozen former Ronald Reagan staff members have joined dozens of other Republican figures endorsing the Democratic nominee and vice-president, Kamala Harris, saying their support was “less about supporting the Democratic party and more about our resounding support for democracy”.

  • Red Army Dog Cooper
    16 months ago

    Kyive independent is not credable nor is it remotly objective, it is a mouth pice of the Ukranian government

    • @disguy_ovahea
      16 months ago

      So again you use your opinion to discredit a source without providing any substantiated information.

      Your opinions aren’t facts. Maybe you should provide a reputable source to support your opinions before calling challenging the credibility of others’ factual sources.

      • Red Army Dog Cooper
        06 months ago

        I have provided the same level of evidence, that you have that it is credible or factual or not bias. You where the one that made the positive claim, as is typical rules you have the burdon of proof

        second my evidence is … BASIC meida litericy skills

        • @disguy_ovahea
          16 months ago

          You haven’t provided one link to a source in this thread. I’m done with your time-wasting. Good night.

          • Red Army Dog Cooper
            06 months ago

            you merely posted a link aserting that it was credible, I said that it was not, no one has presented a link over the credibility, my argument is that basic media litericy shows that this has severe biases and not truthful, you have provided nothing, we are still operating under asertions