This is guess-free, and 14 mines left, all under those uncovered squares.

Any thoughts on how to proceed ?

EDIT - never mind. Tried brute force with the hope that the path I choose would be the right one - and lost.

But there’s always a next time mine, lol.

And it was indeed heartening to see the Minesweeper community in Lemmy is not dead.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I believe the two squares immediately above and below the right 3 must be mines. Let me see if my reasoning makes sense: The 4 has five remaining squares around it, but three of those overlap with the 3 to its left. That 3 already has one mine marked, so those three squares that neighbor both it and the 4 can have at most two mines in them. That means the two squares that don’t overlap must both have mines.

    • @KeraKali
      26 months ago

      I was more going for the right 3 having the two rightmost squares be free of mines. Because the 4 has five squares surrounding it and four of those five squares are also in contact with the 3 on the right, no matter how the mines are arranged all three mines would be to the left or center of the 3. This leaves the two right squares unable to be mined.

    • DeadNinjaOP
      16 months ago

      Your reasoning makes perfect sense, and now I wish I didn’t brute-force it head-first. Thanks for pointing that out !