You reply in the comments, and i try to guess your age based on a short conversation we have. That’s it!

  • @[email protected]
    322 hours ago

    Wow, that’s kinda tough to answer without revealing a lot of clues about my age!

    Let’s see, I guess I’m trying to be more mindful of my body in taking care of it. But it’s not going so well :/

    Also trying to find some motivation/energy/time to play some video games since I didn’t have too much access to them while growing up

    • @GrammarPoliceOP
      322 hours ago

      What made you want to start caring more for your body? Are you talking more in terms of losing weight or just getting fit?

      Don’t feel pressured into answering if you don’t want to

      • @[email protected]
        222 hours ago

        Getting fit. Mostly about staying active. I realised I could be a lot better not just in sports but also daily life in general if I put in some efforts towards being fit

        • @GrammarPoliceOP
          221 hours ago

          Oh yeah i definitely agree with that. I just had a huge scare when it came to my health that requires me to stay fit in order to not “relapse”, so i try to do at least cardio everyday.

          You said you’re trying to get into video games. What video games have you played so far, or are currently eyeing?

          • @[email protected]
            112 hours ago

            I wanna make my way through the Valve classics. Portal and the Half life series. Ooh and Satisfactory has also caught my eye!