Please try your best to narrow it down to THREE! Can you recall which shows on TV feel synonymous with your youth? Can be your childhood phase, your adolescent phase, etc. - whatever you define as your youth!

For me: Jackie Chan Adventures, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Pokemon

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    Hilarious, because it appears as though none of you were alive in my youth… My parents were too damned smart to let me watch the “Boob Tube”. Turns out they had wicked foresightedness - now you have hundreds of streams and almost all of it $hit.

    So this is what I did see: Howdy Doody, only at my friend’s house Captain Kangaroo which I could watch when I was sick That Was The Week That Was (TW3) which I could watch because it was intelligent, political satire.

    I’m no worse for the deprivation, and probably better.

    • @Volkditty
      36 months ago

      Yeah, you do seem great.