I had unprotected sex with 2 shady sex workers yesterday where I kissed, performed cunnilingus, recived oral sex on my uncircumcised penis and had sex without condom. My penis size is small (3.5 inches when erect) and yesterday as I was not in complete mood my erection would have been 2 inches max when I ejaculated inside. I’m saying this because I don’t think my erect penis entered too deep into the vagina. But I’m worried I may contract HIV and other STI’s as this is the first time I had sex without condom and received oral sex without condom. What should I do? Should I take precautions such as PReP?

  • @NeedAnswerForEyePainOP
    86 hours ago

    So what STD test should I take? Anything in particular like HIV? Sorry I have no knowledge on this.

    • @cm0002
      326 hours ago

      It’ll be a panel, just go see a doc or clinic they’ll know what to do

    • @[email protected]
      166 hours ago

      PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) will make it much less likely for you to contract HIV, but you must begin taking it within 72 hours of potential exposure, and the sooner the better.

      If you’re in the US, this CDC page has more info about where to find treatment.

      A doctor will be able to tell you what other tests you should have, but I imagine they’re going to just want to screen for the usual stuff (chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc).

    • @[email protected]
      24 hours ago

      You could try PEP, post exposure phrophalaxis, though ibky good until like 72 hours after or something.