Same rhetoric, policies, party, etc.

Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

    • @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
      16 months ago

      Sorry I got severe ADHD and a lack of a filter. When talking about stuff that pisses me off- pedophilia for that matter- I tend to put far more emphasis on stuff like that as a reminder of just how actually uncomfortable that shit is. I particularly do this to people who don’t understand just how god awful pedophilia is. I dont like to sugar coat or dance around subjects like that by using nicer or softer words. I find pedos revolting and uncomfortable, so I’m gonna describe them in a way that is revolting and uncomfortable

      • @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
        06 months ago

        TLDR; I get passionately angry about some shit and its reflected in how I type or talk. The worse the subject the more Hard-hitting or offensive my vocabulary may be to express said emotions I have on that subject