The sound of many of them exploding

  • @[email protected]
    19 hours ago

    Do the Proud Boys regularly shoot rockets at Canadian towns and preach the destruction of Canada every weekend?

    • @irotsoma
      16 hours ago

      Not the point. They’re a paramilitary terrorist organisation that has been denounced by Canada in the past.

      But OK then Mexico or China, they preach the destruction of Mexico and China pretty often. And many of their terror attacks have been against people of Mexican and Asian descent. But again, not the point.

        • @irotsoma
          15 minutes ago

          Google it. These groups were attacking Asians (not even Chinese because they don’t know the difference) during COVID because Trump said they were responsible for it and/or made it up to allow the government to inject microchips and/or transgender inducing substances and all the other conspiracies. And these groups are highly anti-immigrant and are constantly attacking people they consider “Mexican” and supported calls by Trump and far-right pundits to bomb Mexico to reduce immigration and cartel crime. But again this is off subject as this is an example of what a similar attack on the a US extremist group by a foreign country would be like.

          These are extremist paramilitary groups just like Hezbollah. But they still don’t deserve to have their families killed by bombs put in their products by foreign governments.