The Republican candidate also attacked Martin Luther King Jr., calling the civil rights icon “worse than a maggot.”

Mark Robinson, who was endorsed in March by Donald Trump in the race for governor of North Carolina, said he supported slavery, called himself a “black NAZI,” and graphically described “peeping” on women in public gym showers on a porn forum called “Nude Africa,” CNN KFile reported Thursday.

The comments were reportedly made “under the username minisoldr, a moniker Robinson used frequently online.” CNN said it determined the username belonged to the gubernatorial candidate “by matching a litany of biographical details and a shared email address between the two.”

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  • @[email protected]
    585 months ago

    Democrat candidate: supports unions. feeds school kids. Wants to restore women’s rights.

    Republican candidate: endorsed slavery, and described spying on women in public showers in porn forum

      • Rhaedas
        155 months ago

        Yeah, even with single issue voters I don’t see how…he seems like he’s an internet creation of the worst possible candidate to run, with replies of “that’s a bit too far, no one would believe that.”

    • scops
      205 months ago

      Not to mention the Republican candidate called trans people filth, demonized abortion after his wife had one, and was known to spend multiple nights per week at the local adult arcade