Did I say mandatory? I meant optional! You’re “free” to die in a cardboard box under a freeway as a market capitalist scarecrow warning to the other ants so they keep showing up to make us more!

  • @Goodie
    14 hours ago

    You’d have to put some controls in there for that solution to work. Hitting new homeowners with an immediate tax on “earning” $1,000,000 to pay for their house seems a bit cruel.

    • @Pacattack57
      24 hours ago

      The unrealized gains is for 100 millionaires or more. I don’t think there is anyone with 100million in unrealized home value.

      • @Goodie
        04 hours ago

        I was talking for a hypothetical world where that law isn’t a thing and simply paying capital gains in “realized” gains is.

        Nut hey, yeah, sure, 100mil works too.